Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Science Fiction

1. So far, what passage in the book reminded you of something you've done or felt? Explain why you connected to this passage and how it is important to the book. Use quotes from the story to help support your answer.

2. List one hint as to how you know your book is science fiction.


  1. I am reading ZOMBIE HAIKU by Ryan Mecum. So far in my story, a man named Chris Lynch is describing a terrorizing experience in an airport. This scene reminds me of MacCarther Airport on Long Island. Chris describes being locked in a newstand with a woman named Barbara. They are hiding from some weird creatures/humans trying to attack them. I could picture the two characters living off the candy bars and other items of the newstand that Chris describes. I could picture the gates drawn down, protecting them, while the enemy is trying to attack.

    2. So far, my book has discussed the dead roaming around and being able to talk/write in a journal. In reality, the dead can't roam around the streets so this can not possibly be realistic fiction. I know that science fiction often provides us with mutation like creatures; perhaps these walking dead are such mutations.

  2. 1)I am reading QUANTUM PROPHECY by Michael Carroll.So far, my book is about two boys, Colin Wagner and Danny Cooper. They live in a world where super heros once saved the world on a daily basis, until 10 years ago when they disappeared unexpectedly. This day is considered Mystery Day. This reminds me of a time when my brother was a super hero finatic, and would always talk about super heros, he would pretend that he could run super fast and save the helpless stranger. This was what came to mind when danny ran super fast to the bus that was about to run over Brians little sister.

    2)I know this book is science fiction because I know that superhumans do not exist in real life and I also know that in science fiction books there is usually some type of fake or made up character or traits that could not occur in real life. For example when danny's friends think he is a super human(which couldn't happen in real life.) Making this book science fiction.

  3. 1.I am reading EATERS OF THE DEAD by Michael Crichton. So far the main character ibn Fadlan is the messenger of the ruler of Bagdad. Then he is sent on a mission and hes talking to the guides this is all happening in 921. there going to turkey!

    2.In my book i can tell its Science Fiction because it has weird long names like ibn-Qarin. Theres no names like that in real life its only for mutants.Finnaly the book wouldn't be EATERS OF THE DEAD unless its science fiction its because normal people dont eat dead people too.

  4. I am reading the book CATCHING FIRE by Suzanne Collins. so far in my book katniss is back from the hunger games and here life is very different. she lives in a big house with lots of money, she hunts for Gale's family, and Gale works in the mining tunnels. when she is hunting for Gale's family it remindes me of my first time hunting. it is very similar because I remember me shooting my first deer and feeling that i am the best at hunting.

    so far my book has talked about katniss's very poor home. it also talks about how they have an annual hunger games and that is deffently not realistic fiction. so far I know that this is science fiction because it has mutations and the setting is future america.

  5. Josh Mcnulty period 3April 5, 2011 at 3:53 PM

    1.In CATCHING FIRE i connected the passage where president snow sayed that he knew that katniss and gale sneek out in the woods on saterdays i connected that to whenever my parents catch me doing somthing i shouldent like eating junk food before dinner . This passage is importint becouse katniss and gale knew it was agenst the law to go in the wood but they did it to feed gales famly.

    2.I know this book is sience fricton becouse they have districs instead of states and this book is located in the future

  6. I am reading THE LIGHTNING THIEF by Rick Riordan. So far in the book, a boy named Percy Jackson is describing his experience of a previous field trip he had went on. This scene reminded me of waking up from a dream. Percy describes getting attacked by Mrs.Dodds[field trip chaperone] but, when he catches back up with his classmates and tells them what had happened, they think he is going insane because Mrs.Dodds is not even one of the chaperones. I could imagine myself waking up from a nightmare and realizing that it is just a dream.
    2.So far in the story, Mrs.Dodds transforms in to an evil creature with wings and fangs. In reality, humans can't transform in to monster like creatures so this book definitely can not be realistic fiction. I also know that science fiction deals with mutated creatures and I am guessing that Mrs.Dodds is one of the many mutated creatures in this book.

  7. I am reading UGLIES,by Scott Westerfeild.So far in my story, the narrorator Scott Westerfeild is describing a girl named Tally and her once best friens Peris.In my book there -world-city-town-,is seperated by the "Preeties" and the "Uglies". This set-up reminds of The Hunger Games and how each district was seperated from each other and barely had any contact with others outside there didstrict,but in this book you have to be a certain age to be worthy of getting surgery to become a preety.

    Lately in my book,Tally (the main character)is trying to reach Peris's new preety home to talk to talk to him like friends do.Hoping that just one conversation with him will hold her off for the next 3 months until she is allowed to turn preety,and be friends with him again.

  8. 1. My book is "The Curse of the Romanovos" by Staton Rabin. The first couple paragraphs were kind of meloncoly, along with fast paced. A assaination of an uncle of Alexi Romanova( the future Tsar of Russia)while he was giving a speech reminded me of JFK's assaination when he was just strolling around in a parade and got shot in the head.
    2. I can't find a source of science fiction yet but I know from a summary in the book. This book describes Alexi traveling into the future to help stop his familys so called "curse"(Hemophillia).

  9. 1. I most connected to the book when the ship went on red alert because they were being scanned by a unknown source but they figured out that it was a false alarm but I had a moment that when I was in the car with my mom and dad the car wouldnt start but after a lot of tries the car started and we were relieved when it started just like the crew of the space ship was relieved when they figured out that the scanner wasnt bad

    2. How I know that my book is science fiction is because the people are on a space ship flying through different galaxys when today we can not go very far on our space ship technology. Also this book is science fiction because some of the space ships crew are aliens from different planets and we have never seen a real alien

  10. I am reading a book called CONTEST by Matthew Reilly and so far a crook was caught after hours in the New York city library but before he can be arrested a creature that resembles a bull because it is large and has horns interrupts and kills the security guard. At the same time a doctor named Stephen Swain protects a cop from gang members that break in and he ends up killing one of them. I can relate to this because being in a library after hours can be scary because of the vast empty spaces filled with dark shadows where someone can hide. And a quote that shows the fear in this book is "Ryan's blood ran cold."

    2 I can tell that this book is science fiction because of the bull like creature that attacks the security guard. And science fiction books often have strange creatures with unusual characteristics.

  11. My book CATCHING FIRE by Suzanne Collins, starts off with Katniss Everdeen in the woods hunting. Katniss has a Victor Tour she wasn't looking forward to. When she returns home, she has an unexpected visitor. President Snow. This scene reminds me of getting called down to the Principal's office, because you feel nervous, like how Katniss was when the President was talking to her about a potential uprising between the other districts.

    My book shows that its Science Fiction because the story isn't real. For example, the government doesn't have full control and has games where tributes kill each other.

  12. 1.My book is called ISOLATION in the series of REMNANTS.I can feel the same way when Yugo sees a giant flying squid above him by going to an aquarium and being in a tunnel with clear glass and seeing a giant squid above me.

    2.I can tell it is science fiction by having enemies that couldn't be real.For example the blue meanies,riders,freaks and their protectors, and I think this is the most preposterous,the giant flying squids

  13. Mrs. Boulden's Favorite: Danny N.April 6, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    1.My book is called THE JUNGLE by Clive Cussler. It starts out in China in 1281 A.D where a battle is taking place. I can relate to this because the video game ASSASIN'S CREED BROTHERHOOD, uses midevil weapons like the people in the book.

    2. I can tell this is a science fiction book because they have a laser-type weapon that can blind a man if he looks into it. In the year 1281

    Katie, you had a nice description about what is occuring in your story. I have never read the Uglies, but like you, I have read Hunger Games. It would floor me to need surgery in order to become a pretty. I am against plastic surgery because I believe you should be proud of who you are as a human. I couldn't imagine living in a world that was segregated by being pretty and ugly.

  15. RESPONCE TO Virjohn B: I have to read CATCHING FIRE I think your connection to going to the pricibales office was very creative and thoughtful that could really realate to that part of the of the book.

  16. Comment to Katie B. The way your book sounds kind of makes me think of the hunger games. It also makes me think of when hitler would only let the people with blue eyes and blonde hair survive and thats how they were seperated.

  17. Response to Virjohn:

    I have also read CATCHING FIRE and would just like to say that I agree that Katiniss probably did feel like she messed up in some way and is in big trouble just like what you would feel like walking to the princepals' office.

  18. Abigail HarringtonApril 7, 2011 at 3:21 PM

    RESPONSE TO Danny Noel:
    I like the way that the book sounds. I have never read that book before but I am interested in reading this book. I like the part where you talked about medieval weapons. That sounds really cool!

    I would make the same text connection If I were reading your book. I have read THE LIGHTNING THIEF and its a great book full of action and adventure. You had a nice description of what was occuring in your book , but I think you should add more detail to make your summary more appealing. You'll enjoy the book THE LIGHTNING THIEF if you keep on reading !

  20. sammy "sofa" mckibbinApril 7, 2011 at 4:28 PM

    Danny I have been waiting to read that book! so far what you have said about has made it appealing to a ten year old british kid, though. Although what you have said about the laser has reminded me of another book he wrote called ATLANTIS FOUND, which was one of my first Clive Cussler books. Clive Cussler usually starts off his stories with a flashback from the past, so if you plan to read any more Clive Cussler i would get used to it. Maybe you do not like this book, but i reccomend reading others by him especially one from the Dirk Pitt series. If this book is a Dirk Pitt series I will definetly have to buy or wait until my dad is finished with it.

    Danny if you read this DO NOT tell me anything else.
    Mrs. Boulden I have found my next book

    Your book sounds very interesting!!! I can also connect to what you were saying because when my brother was younger, he also loved super heros (he had a lot of action figures). I can only imagine what would happen if the Action figures he had were real. I suppose that is what your story is about, super-humans protecting the world.

    I loved your example, I've been reading the same book but I've never thought of it that way. When I read it I thought it was perfect. The example is exactly like the book because it was like Katness was called out for being ignorant to the capital , just like a kid being ignorant to the principal.

  23. KUSH P. I completely agree with you 100% of the way. I can definetly relate to waking up to plenty of nightmares after reading that book. But, other than that Rick Riordan creates the best cliffhangers so, you won't be able to not read the next book!

  24. Responce to Tanner.B
    Tanner,I know exactly what your talking about. The thrill of your first kill(large game animal like a deer) and the rush you get when your laiming it.Not to mention the "fun" part of field dressing the animal.Although I've never read Catching Fire, I can imagine what your saying

  25. Response to Travis Z: I think you have a good description. And i think it would be scary to have a ship being scanned but it really was a false alarm. And it was a good description of your car not starting and you felling relived when it did.

  26. I am reading ATREMIS FOWL THE ARTIC INCIDENT by Eoin Colfer. The part of this book that reminded me of a movie was when the Mafia enforces spent thier time stealing BMW's. This part of the book reminded me of a movie that I saw called Gone in 60 seconds. This movie talks about stealing cars. This part is important to the book because it is how the story starts. This is a great way for an author to grab my attention because I found it interesting. When I read about stealing it is interesting. I met the larger ganster, Mikhael Vassikin who is one of the major characters in the book.

    2. My book is science fiction because it has a lot of high tech gadgets.

  27. 1)Yes there is somthing that came to mind when Roy had to run a football route and catch the ball from the new QB. I connected to this beacuse i had to do the same thing the first year i played football for the Steelers. Its inportant to the book beacuse Roy is a very good football player and he gets to show his skills.A quote in the book from Waymen says "Coach Donaldson says you've got great speed and good hands". "I'm looking forward to working with you."2)I can tell the book is science fiction beacuse Roy got yelled at by the coach for studdering. In real life not many coachs would do that.

  28. 1 I had a hard time related to the animals. I could sort of find simlarities between me and the pigs because i suppose i could want someone dead for certain reasons.

    2.Their are talking animals who write.

  29. response to Tanner

    That also reminded me of the first time I shot a deer. Except for the fact that I missed.

  30. 1) I am reading Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins, and so far it is about Katniss and Peeta after they won the hunger games. Katniss gets an unexpected visit from the president of Panem and they discuss her act of "rebelling" to the government of panem. A connection I can make from this story to real life is when the president barak obama visits dover airforce base to honor the dead troops from the war. I connected it to Barak Obama because in book the president came in the general area of where the main character was living. Both presidents were there for very important reasons.

    2)A reason I believe Catching Fire is a science fiction book is because the setting is in the future. I know it is in the future because there are alot of unique gadgets and advanced technology.

  31. responce to verjohn
    i like your example and think i should have used that example.i've never really been to the principles office but i am sure it must be really agonizing and stressfull.
